Sold Delete

I offer 2.3b for this

I offer 2b for this

Replied with wrong toon, “KingofMining -YourMaster” is the toon i accepted offer on

Confirmed in game buying DeepFriedChicken for 4B, isk sent to RebelKiwi, with account info. Thank you very much

Changing offer


i offer 7b in total

ill bid 3.5 bil on deepfried chicken

i will except 8b for both nothing more or less

Could you confirm you got the isk for “DeepFriedChicken” and that it is being transferred?

5 bill for 1 account buy 2 for 8 bill dont send me mails or isk without it been confirmed here or ill keep it as a donation like i stated here 5 bill for one account and 8 bill for 2

5B for DeepFriedChicken then?

confirm 5 bill for DeepFriedChicken

Confirm isk and info received character is in process of delivery

Hi I did mail you in game again last night to inform you that I had not received an confirmation of character transfer for Izaq and logging on this morning, Furiousone_Pedel has transfered ok (thanks for that one) but Izaq has not transferred, can you please let me know what is happening?
Look forward to your response.

5bil for ButterChicken

im not to shore mate ive sent them a ticket and ive sent ccp one here waiting on the reply to see what is up

Confirm i will take 5 bill for butterchicken send isk and info to start transaction

well then, 8b for both Chronos_Munba and Roidbasher send me pls a in game email with your confirmation

I will be home shortly to do so. Thank you very much.

Mail sent with acct info and isk sent as well.

Confirm isk and info received starting transfer now