if you looking for a trader sasha is good so is iron banks but sasha is what id put my money on
Bid 4.5b for crumbedchicken
5b and its a deal Soletor
5b it is.
confirm selling Crumbed Chicken to you Soletor for 5b send isk and info and i will start process
isk and account info sent.
Confirm isk and info received transfering in progress than you for your business
RebelKiwi its been 2 days and i still dont have sypher-demise transfered.
can you send a ticket in aswell to get them to hurry up i’ve sent them a ticket and waiting on them as the account is ready with the 1000 plex is in vault there a bit slow normally takes between 10 and 3 days
only 1 will transfer per account… so if one is already in progress… you have to wait for it to finish before the next one begins. Not sure how these toons are situated, but, perhaps that’s the issue.
yes they were on the same account that’s why i said be patient ccp will transfer them when they can
the support page regarding character transfers suggests:
-Notification emails are sent to both parties when the transfer has been initiated. The emails are sent to the email addresses registered to the accounts in question.
Yet, I’ve received no such email… have you? Im opening a ticket.
no such email on this end either
Can you cancel the transfer and send it to another account? Thats probably the issue
got a email its been transferred sorry bout the wait from what they’ve told me they’ve got a big backlog of tickets they should hire me ill solve that problem lol
Yep verified thank you all for your hard work!
confirmed, got chicken too. thanks.
Price agreed ingame for Iron Banks and KormaChicken.
Isk and acc info sent to @RebelKiwi
Confirm isk and info received starting process thank you for the business