SOLD Hulk pilot// miner/ Indy -34.5 Mil SP
Hulk Miner
Positive Wallet
Great Indy skills
No Kill rights
NPC corp
The character currently in High sec

26 Bil Starting Bid
34 Bil B/O

P.S.: All the offers bellow the starting bid will not be taken into consideration.
Thank you.

26B o/

26.5 Bil B/o

27B :slight_smile:

Offer Accepted.
Please transfer the ISK in game and Send me an E-mail with the account name that you wish me to start the transfer

Regards Demiurg COrnelius

ISK and mail sent.

Isk Recieved.
The character is being processed and heading your way.
You should have received an Email I will forward the CCP confirmation into an email in game.

Demiurg COrnelius

Character has been transferred.
Nice doing business with you.

Demiurg COrnelius

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