WTS MYSELF: Artemis Swiftt

  • Located in Jita
  • NPC Corp - However skillboard hasn’t updated ( Unsure what is wrong with it )
  • No Killrights
  • Positive Wallet
  • Positive Standing
  • Really Good Fighter + Carrier/Super Carrier skills to lvl 4
  • Good Phoenix Pilot
  • Good Apostle Pilot

I will not be looking for Extraction Value on this account - It has many uses, and is ideal for a good starting Main.

Account has Interstellar Nyx Skin - Worth around 1.5B


I am always online; Please message me for any info!
Starting bid: 35B+ - Will not entertain anything less.

Character is still in Player corporation Infinite Point (checked ingame)

Please place the character in an NPC and flag your posting to have the posting unlocked

Thread reopened

28b offer

Thanks for the offer, but i can Extract for 33-34B. So, kindly rejected.

Just to add; The account is crosstrained between 3 of the most popular ships, Phoenix,Apostle, and Nyx/Carrier.

34Bil offer

Thankyou for your Bid. 34B Starts it off!

Daily bump!

Will reduce bid to 33bil in 8 hours.

Your offer is Extraction value - So as much as i appreciate it, i’m not willing to accept it immediately, as i can get this at any point without paying a transfer fee.

Your extract value is 28.7bil based on current injector buy and extractor sell, and exluding losses for sales tax which would be 2.8bil lost at 3.6% rate for 102 injectors sold. So your effective extraction profit is roughly 26bil, im offering 8bil better.

I will improve my offer to 35bil because this character aligns with the particular interests I have and i have a busy weekend. To most others there’s a lot of wasted SP here.

35B Accepted - Please Send isk and mail me in-game for account transfer information

Isk Sent. Mail sent. I will be away for 3-5 hours before I can respond again.

Isk Received - Will begin account transfer in a moment.


The account transfer cannot be completed - The username is incorrect.

Just to clarify (Because this is your first time) - The username is the account name in which you login to - So it is the actual EVEOnline ‘Backpage’ Login username.

Roger. Will update in few hours. Does account need an empty character slot or just specify which character to swap back? I can biomass the intending slot if necessary

The account will need to have a empty slot for the transfer to initiate. If you biomass, it will take 10 hours for the slot to be open. It will then take 10 hours or so for the transfer to complete.

Ready to recieve character

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