Sold out

eve board
start - 50b
b/o - 57b

50bill then.

51B isk

52 bill

Please confirm the correct skill point total. Is it 50 million as the title suggests or is it 48.9 million, as reflected in the eveboard link?

Thinking of selling? We’re currently buying characters, please contact me for an offer.



still for sale!

still for sale

Mail sent

53 B isk


55 bil

57 bill

57.5 :stuck_out_tongue:

Jimbo Eto and Karl Binchiette - i will wait 12h and rdy to end auction cause b/o is already done

sry for my bad eng

I’m out since it passed buyout.Jimbos if he wants it.

Jimbo Eto win!
wait isk and account name for transfer

Account name and isk sent.

character sent
enjoi 0/