Sold please delete

I am for sale, born 2005 - 180m sp.

Almost all subcaps

  • Amarr titan V - Doomsday Rapid Fire V - T2 guns
  • 47m in Spaceship Command
  • 30m in Gunnery
  • 12.8m in Missles
  • 18m in drones
  • Max Fleet Boosting
  • Max Engineering
  • Max Shield Skills
  • Max Jump Skills

Great kill board stats with many titan kills:

Located in JITA 4-4.


  • Positive wallet
  • Positive sec rating

Starting Bid 90b.
B/O 150b.

Still for sale.

Still for sale

Still for sale. Needs to go


Thanks Earl, needs to go so if no other bids in next few hours, it’s yours.

Please hold, I will send you mail in game.

Why you don’t extract your skill, you can sell it for 120b + 5b if you extract your skills… don’t understand this bid.

175m sp/ 0.5m sp = 350 skill injector

3500.68b - 3500.34b = 119b

5m sp farmer = 5b

119b + 5b = 124b

Plus titan skill book 5b


and effort = cba :slight_smile:

Ccp should allow player to extract all skill at once

1 Like

120 bil

Thanks SecretService, il give it 30mins and if no other offers its yours.

SecretService Looks like its your :slight_smile: , contact me in game when u can. online now

ISK and account details sent.

ISK received, PM me account name to send to. Thanks

Character Sent enjoy :slight_smile:

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