Taking offers for the following BPOs, located in contiguous hisec.
Starting bid : NPC + 30%. Reserve: hidden
Pls post your offers here as I rarely log into the game nowadays
Ragnarok - ME 9 / TE 18
Erebus - 9/6
Erebus - 9/4
Avatar - 9/10
Avatar - 9/10
Nyx - 10/10
Nyx - 10/10
Nyx - 10/14
Wyvern - 10/14
Wyvern - 10/10
Wyvern - 10/8
Hel - 8/14
Hel - 7/12
Aeon - 10/14
Aeon - 10/10
Aeon - 10/10
Obelisk - 10/8
Charon - 10/10
Bowhead - 10/12
Bowhead - 10/12
Bowhead - 10/14
Providence - 10/10
Providence - 10/14
Rorqual - 10/14
Rorqual - 10/16
Phoenix - 10/14
Moros - 10/14
Moros - 10/14
Moros - 10/16
Moros - 10/14
Moros - 10/14
Moros - 10/14
Moros - 10/4
Revelation - 10/16
Revelation - 10/16
Phoenix - 10/14
Naglfar - 10/14
Naglfar - 10/10
Naglfar - 10/16
Thanatos - 10/14
Thanatos - 10/14
Thanatos - 10/14
Nidhoggur - 10/12
Nidhoggur - 10/16
Chimera - 10/16
Archon - 10/12
Minokawa - 10/16
Lif - 10/16
Apostle - 10/16
Raitaru - 8/16
Tatara - 9/12
Fortizar - 9/14
Azbel - 8/16
Athanor - 7/14
Athanor - 7/16
Astrahus - 8/18
Covetor - 10/20
Covetor - 10/20
Structure components BPOs( ME 10, TE >= 14 ):
- storage bay
- reprocessing plant
- 2 x repair facility
- 3 x office center
- 2 x medical center
- 7 x market network
- 6 x laboratory
- 2 x hangar
- 13 x factory
- 2 x electromagnetic sensor
- 3 x docking bay
- construction parts
- advertisement nexus
- 2 x acceleration coils
- 2 x mission networl
- 2 x extert conduit