52b offer for gayness

Only 48h left for this auction.

Current top bidders are:

Pacify via Gayness - S7ELLAR bidding 52b

Diplomacy via Cyno - Vinny DaMini bidding 47.5b

This auction will end on 12/03/2022 at 23h59 GMT.

offer retracted, I Found another one of your toons more suited to my needs. o7

Let me confirm that if there is no other offer for Gayness today, THEN I have priority to buy Gaynees at 51B.

Offer 48 bil Diplomacy

Vinny, that is correct.

Iā€™m Vinny. Will the auction be over on timeļ¼Ÿ

HI Vinny, yes the auction will end in 6h and 38 minutes.

Current best offers are:

Diplomacy via Cyno - Acc1den7 Aldent with 48b

Pacify via Gayness - Vinny da Mini with 51b

After that I will accept the best offers. Iā€™m rather disappointed, I was really hoping for at least 60b for Pacify via Gayness, considering how great her skills are. I guess people didnā€™t like the name.

This auction is now over.

Acc1den7 Aldent, your offer of 48b for Diplomacy via Cyno is accepted. Please transfer the isk to the Diplomacy via Cyno character and let me know the account name for the transfer. Post in this thread when you do and I will initiate the transfer within 24h.

Vinny DaMini, your offer of 51b for Pacify via Gayness is accepted. Please transfer the isk to the Pacify via Gayness character and let me know the account name for the transfer. Post in this thread when you do and I will initiate the transfer within 24h.

just replying for the notification. See above.

see above.

will send isk and name when I come back , nice deal fly safe

wait i think i want the cyno char I can offer 48.5b

I chose the M Titan character first, Atitni doesnā€™t matter to me. So Iā€™m going to bid 48.5B for cyno. Because the name of the role is too close, I misread your confirmation reply the first timeļ¼Œsorry

You said:

ā€œand 51b for gaynessā€

and then after that you said

ā€œSide note: if the character with higher skill points still has no bidder at the end of the auction, the character with higher skill points is preferredā€

And then again you said

ā€œLet me confirm that if there is no other offer for Gayness today, THEN I have priority to buy Gaynees at 51Bā€

Are you now saying you do not want to purchase the 81.8m SP character for 51b? You instead want to purchase the 56.5m SP character for 48.5b?

yes isk on hand ļ¼ŒLet me finally confirm that the M Titan character will be purchased for 48.5B, which means Cyno will drop the Gayness bid. Isk will be sent to Cyno within 10 minutes, please transfer it asap

If you confirm, the transfer will be made immediately

OK, so I understand you are retracting your bid for Pacify via Gayness.

And you are bidding 48.5b for Diplomacy via Cyno (minmatar titan character).

I will not be initiating a transfer tonight, as I feel like that would be unfair to Acc1den7 Aldent, as he did win the auction, so I will wait till tomorrow to allow him time to respond. If he does not respond tomorrow, I will accept your offer.

Hey, yeah i want to buy Diplomacy

Well in this case, Since I no longer have a bidder for Pacify via Gayness, and I have multiple people still interested in Diplomacy via cyno, I guess the auction is still going.

Current highest bids:

Pacify via Gayness - No one

Diplomacy via Cyno - Vinny with 48.5b