All characters have positive wallets, no kill rights, and are located in Jita 4-4.

I am not entertaining bids under extraction value.
It goes without saying that these characters have great gunnery, navigation and targeting skills.
Notables: Diplomacy via Cyno also has the skillbook injected for Caldari titan.

Pacify via Gayness: 81.8m SP SOLD
Perfect Avatar pilot, perfect revelation/naglfar pilot
Comes with a full high-grade amulet avatar pod including a SM-705, EM-806, SS-906 and HG-1006
Auction starting at: 51b
B/O 80b

Diplomacy via Cyno: 56.5m SP
Ragnarok pilot, naglfar pilot
Comes with a full high-grade NIrvana ragnarok pod including a SM-706, EM-805 and SS-906
Auction starting at 35b
B/O: 60b

Confirming I am for sale

diplo’s skillboard didn’t link, its not even listed on most recent skillboards

Should now be fixed, sorry about that!

i sees it… you do need to drop to NPC corp however…

anyway i’ll start a bid at 35b for diplo… unless i don’t get a good RL paycheck then i’ll have to rescind it.

Thank you for your bid, I’ll be letting the auction run for a couple of days before accepting any offers unless buyout is hit.

I think the skillboard may just need a bit of time to update, all characters are currently in NPC corps.

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tt char start by 35b

Diplomacy via Cyno offer 40bil

Titian char 41b now

Both characters are titan chars, please specify which one you are bidding on in your posts thanks :slight_smile:

Diplomacy via Cyno want this

But also why those two link goes to the same char?

Diplomacy for cyno 45 bil offer

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I was not aware both links went to the same char, thank you for letting me know, this should now be fixed, pacify via gayness has her own individual skillboard link now. thank you!

This auction will end in on 12/03/2022 at 23h59.

The current highest bidders are:

Pacify via Gayness: No bids

Diplomacy via Cyno: Acc1den7 Aldent - 45b

46b than

and 51b for gayness

47b for Diplomacy

47.5b for that than

Side note: if the character with higher skill points still has no bidder at the end of the auction, the character with higher skill points is preferred