SOLD WTS 16.9M SP PVP Char / Cyno 5


Auction will end on the 16th of April 12:00 ET :slight_smile:

Starting bid 13 b
Buyout 20 b
highest bid: 13b - as of the 09th of April

Wallet: Positive
No Kills rights
In NPC corp (just quit, skillboard didn’t update yet)
Unallocated SP: 0
1 Remap
1 Jumpclone in jita
No previous transfers

offer 13b

Thank you for your offer. I’ll wait until the 8th of April. When there is no other bid, the character is yours :slight_smile:




last chance :slight_smile: Auction will end soon

I messaged you ingame for the next steps :slight_smile:

godlike62_Geng and Brijudkar had withdrawn their offers. Therefore this toon is still for sale. I’ll extend this auction until the 16th of April. Start bid is 13b, buyout 20b.

13 bil


highest bid is 13b atm.

bump :slight_smile:

Ingame mail sent to John Cockburn

I accepted an ingame offer. Isk received, transfer initiated.

Transfer Complete, Tyvm again o/

It was very strange auction with covered bids…

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