SOLD thank you

Hello everyone !

I’m trying to sell three officer mods and two abyssal ones (that I’d deliver in Jita, of course, not 1DQ1), on which I got pretty lucky rolls ! Taking offers of course if you want to discuss the first price :

  • Thon’s modified Ballistic control system : 4bil

  • This pretty large armor repairer, get nice reps on your paladin or your pvp Leshak, with 182hp/s : asking 1bil

1dQ1-A - private property? Really…

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Yes, sorry, took a screenshots of the contracts for the modules statistics, but I’ll deliver them to Jita of course…

daily bump

bump, get your super a purple BCS, or your AT ship a decent prop and rep !

bump !

bumpitty bumpitty

bump, lowered the price for the prop

daily bump

bump ! 500MN sold

daily bump

bump !

bumpsy !

bump =)

bump o/

bump !

bump o/

bump !

daily bump

bump o/