Good armor skills
Good drone skills
T2 small and medium energy turrets

Located in Jita, positive sec status, no killrights

7.5B b/o

5B Offer

Thank you for the bid. I am looking to get a bit more though.

Bump and lowered b/o

offer 5.3B

Thank you for the offer but I won’t go any lower than 7b.

Lower than that and I’ll just leave him as is

The best I can offer is 7B but I need 1 day to gather my Isk

Accepted. Send isk and info to this character.
I know you said you need a day so I’ll hold till tomorrow at 20:00 game time

it’s 0:40 AM for me now. could it be a bit later?
I am about go to bed.

Isk has been sent
Please transfer to account: Coin001

Isk received, transfer started


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Original Name Rejected

Will be completed after: 9/29/2021 1:05:58 AM

Character received,

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