Wts 315m sp multifunctional high end character

Feel free to check skills: Quantum Anomaly

Moved to npc corp,
7 jc with implants, wallet + ,
location: Jita
kill rights: none

Auction opens with 200 bil offer

200 B offer

230B offer


280bil buyout?

280 suits me, send isk and acc name

ok I need like 15 minutes

ISK and Accountinfo sent.

Thank you;)

aprox, when do you start the transfer ?

I am on shift now, it is few hours before I can run eve, move isk and initiate transfer

Of course, nevermind take your time :slight_smile: Thanks

Any news?

28h later. Are you facing a technical problem transfering the char ? Any Info would be much appreciated.

If you dont want to sell/transfer the char anymore, send me my ISK back, Sir.

If you got no response from the Seller please create a Support Ticket so a Gamemaster could help you to get the Isk back.

@Valryneya :

Please also be acutely aware that scamming using character sales is a violation of the EVE Online EULA, and any individuals found to be involved in character sales scams will be permanently banned from EVE Online across all their accounts with no recourse.*

Hi @ISD_Traindriver Yes I did yesterday, Thank you. Request #2173655

Closed for further investigations.

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