(SOLD)WTS 158 Mil SP Capital/Mixed Pilot

135B BO
120B Starting Offer

In NPC High Sec Station
Green Wallet
No Kill Rights

please login to QSNA with your character and update the ESI information.


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I would offer 120 Bil, but ingame it states that this character is still in player driven corp.

I am already dealing with character related assets and will exit the player’s company at that time. I will also safely log off the jita4

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ok i first offer 120b


Selling to Iva Stark for 120bil.

Please send ISK in game and Eve Mail your account username and I will initiate transfer and confirm once initiated. Thank you!

@snap2 If the other party is no longer considering, you will proceed with the second sequence

no i send offer 121b


Selling to @snap2 for 121bil.

Please send ISK in game and Eve Mail your account username and I will initiate transfer and confirm once initiated. Thank you!

Ok, I’ll send isk in about 20 minutes

Check out game email

my game id is [ Removed by @ISD_Drew for account security reasons]

Account transfer confirmed

i send isk

Received and transfer has been initiated. Let me know if you don’t receive the character after the standard 10 hour wait period. Thank you!

ok thanks

Damn… I missed the train :slight_smile: GL to the new owner

I didn’t receive the account

Not received? Is the account you provided correct