WTS This Caldari super pilot with 20m sp.
It was not trained to just sit in supers, but actually has skills to use it.
Comes with a high-grade talisman set of implants and several other +5% implants.
Mostly clean kb, never made a real use of it.
Starting at 15B,
Buyout at 20B.
August 29, 2020, 11:43pm
If he backs out I’ll offer 14.5 bil
Quite interested, I will wait a bit more and will accept unless a better offer comes up.
While you’re waiting for that can you dislcose, kill rights, jump clones, chracter location etc?
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Please also be acutely aware that scamming using character sales is a violation of the EVE Online EULA, and any individuals found to be involved in character sales scams will be permanently banned from EVE Onlin…
If you’re still interested it’s yours
November 30, 2020, 4:48am
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