[SOLD] WTS - 20M SP Paladin Wormhole Krabbing Toon

Selling a 20M SP wormhole krab toon whose main purpose is to fly a paladin for high class wormhole krabbing (shield or armor). Toon can also fly a standard rolling Megathron, a buzzard for scanning, and Minmatar T2 transport ships (Mastodon/Prowler) to move loot/mods. Toon is ready to roll and farm billions in C5/C6 wormholes.



  • Positive wallet (40 mil)
  • No kill rights
  • Mid grade crystal + various hardwirings in one jump clone (MR-705, EM-805, SS-905, LE-1005)
  • Located in Jita 4-4

Entertaining offers.


15b offer

What’s the buy out price? I’m offering 17B.

20B buyout for 20m SP?

I accept the 20B offer. Feel free to send isk and where to transfer toon when you are ready.

Bump. I guess B/O would be 20b then.


18.5b offer

I accept the 18.5B offer. Feel free to send isk and where to transfer toon when you are ready.

sorry for the delay, I need a day or more to sell my 10 redeemers

19b offer


Looks like offers are still coming in. I’ll check back in 24 hours and take whatever is the best offer then.

20b offer now.

sorry for delaying, I have 21b isk ready now

I’ll accept the 21b offer from qspqww. Feel free to send isk and eve mail with where to start xfer. I’ll be home in a few hours and can start it then.

isk and in-game mail sent

Thanks. Transfer has been initiated. States it “Will be completed after 2/9/2025 12:25:13 PM.”

Toon received, thank you