Price Check - 20M SP Paladin Krab Toon

Looking for a price check on a 20M SP wormhole krab toon whose main purpose is to fly a paladin for high class wormhole krabbing (shield or armor). Toon can also fly a standard rolling megathron, a buzzard for scanning, and minmatar T2 transport ships (Mastodon/Prowler) to move loot.


  • Positive wallet (40 mil)
  • No kill rights
  • Mid grade crystal + various hardwirings in one jump clone (MR-705, EM-805, SS-905, LE-1005)
  • Located in Jita 4-4

bumped to Price Checks

offering 15b for it

Hey sorry was traveling and just saw this. I’d sell this toon for 15b if you are still interested!

hey if you still intrested i am willing to buy this

I’ll accept the 15b offer. Feel free to send ISK and evemail with where I need to xfer to. I’ll be heading offline for the night but please reply here once done.

@Black_rise_traderbadman still interested?