Located in Jita 4-4
Positive wallet
No kill rights
185,000 Skillpoints unlocated
2 availible remaps
open to offers
Located in Jita 4-4
Positive wallet
No kill rights
185,000 Skillpoints unlocated
2 availible remaps
open to offers
As per the other thread where you replied to me, I offer 13b.
Hmm what about 14b
Hmmm… sure. why not. 14b it is. Please confirm that 14b is accepted and I will send the isk from this character.
Confirmed we got a deal, you can send the isk
Isk received, I will start the transfer process, pls let me know to witch account send it
Send to
Allright, I will send it in less than 4 hours, right now I’m not able
Let me know when. Thank you!
Transfer done, confirm you got it
Character received.
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