Buyout: 22B
Considering Offers above 20B
No Kill Rights, Positive Wallet Balance, Positive Security Status, Born 2017-07-03
Perfect Rhea (Mastery V) and Charon (Mastery V)
Planetary Interaction earner: Command Center Upgrades and Interplanetary Upgrades at Level 5
Comes with +3 Set of Implants + 1 bonus remap available
Will pay transfer fee in Cash and Transfer to NPC Corp
I offer you 22b in an hour, confirm accepted ( i am going to home from work )
Character is available, I tried to contact Larry Doogle, but no answer atm
Conact made, trade will be done in two hours when i return from work
I’m online waiting for you
i come to home in 45 min aprox.
I will not be there, I have to go. I suggest that you send the isk (22b as we said) on the character with an e-mail containing your account name. As soon as I come home, I’ll execute the transfer.
Perfect to me ( i need you transfer in 10 hours because i am receiving other toon )
I answer here when isk sent and when you can transfer, Dont hurry
22b isk and account name sent
My account is ready, sent the character when you can
Hi, no hurry but if u can change the account to send is better for me.
I sent you a new evemail with a new account name.
If u can please send to the new account better for me .
ISK received and transfer started on the second account provided. Thank you for your purchase, enjoy the game !
Pilot received in the desired second account. Many thanks for do the change
Intersted in purchase this character from the new owner.
Pay well, original bid + transfer + extra.
I acccept your mail offer.
I go to create a new thread to do so.
July 22, 2019, 5:54pm
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