SOLD || WTS 39M SP Rorq / Freighter / Indy / Blops

Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
No Jump Clones
Located In High Sec

Has many skill books, including JF
pw 1234

Taking Offers
35b B/O

27 bil

And Nagflar Capable

28 b’s

29 bill

Damn, guys dont bid here! Account was stolen. GM please close this thread.

how can stole a person other person accont? how possible this?

No Idea What That Person Is On About.

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easy, I filled a support ticket but still no answer

You are spamming trash on my post.

30 b’s

Not going to respond to trash posts anymore.

Your posts have been reported.

Going To Sell To Highest Offer In 5 Hours.

30,1 BILL

Transaction Is Guaranteed By CCP, Hence The Rules and Format.

What I Would Love Is a Mod Get This Troll Out Of Here.

I accept your offer of 30.1b.

Send isk and account name, when you have time.

I understand this post was trolled by an unknown party.
If you want to retract your bid, let me know.

ISK sended. Acc name sended.

Transfer of character is underway


Character Transfer Initiated

We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

caracter received. thx

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