Cyrokos Darksoul - 40M SP
Pilot is a Naglfar Pilot that comes with:
- Minmatar Dread 4
- Capital Ships 4
- T1 siege
- Shield Tanked
- JDC 5
- JDO 5
- JFC 4
- Propulsion Jamming 5
- Dictors 4
- All Racial Destroyers 5
- All Gunnery and Missile Support Skills at least 4 (some are 5)
- Mining Skills (Exhumers +Ice&Mercoxit)
- AFK VNI Ratting Skills: Gallente Cruiser 4, Heavy Drones 5, Drone Support Skills at least 4, Navigation Support Skills at least 4
- Can sit in all T1 subcapitals of all races (Destroyers T2)
Bonus Injected skills:
- Caldari Dread +XL Torps
- Armor Skills
Remap Available now
Located in TTT Perimeter, No killmarks/killrights/bounty, NPC Corp, positive sec status (negative status with Sansha), all CCP rules apply. Transfer will be done by PLEX or at buyer’s expense.
Opening Bid: 25B
Open to Buyouts