SOLD - WTS 442M SP 2004 char marked for resculpting

I may bid higher if I get drunk enough :slight_smile:

double keepstar

The sad truth of the matter is that this will likely be extracted. Which is why noone is bidding above the extraction value.

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Its well over its extraction value.

What is the Character’s transfer history? Are you the original owner? How many times has it changed hands?

405 billion

I am the original owner, the character has never been transferred.

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i bid 442b as buyout, pls confirm and i will send isk and acc info.


Thank you so much for your offer, and congratulations on your character, I hope you have a lot of fun!

Also thank you to others who bid, I hope you find the characters your are looking for :slight_smile:

Isk and Acc Info send.

Thank you

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The transfer has been started!

confirmed. thx

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