[SOLD]WTS 59.2M SP Rev/Zirn/Archon/Hel Pilot

Wallet: 0
Skill points: 59.2m
No kill rights.
In low sec, forge.
Can fly revelation/zirnitra/archon/ hel etc.


in this pod.

make an offer watching the thread :slight_smile:

58 bill

omega cant be transferred fyi so not allowed to add it to the price or anything

because omega is account locked hope that helps @Tr4ckk

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ohhh i didnt know that thanks for giving me the heads up !

I can do 51b

highest bid so far is 58b

hey mate, can you send a qnas link please?

i think thats right



60.5b final offer

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Hello guys, Tr4ckk is my alt, im at work and cant sign in as him right now. i finish work in an hour, will consider offers then, thanks for the interest!

Its yours if you want it dude

accept, which character should i pay?

Send it to tr4ckk ill move it over and start the transfer when u send me the details to where

kk will pay about 1hr

isk and mail send

ty, transfer started, will finish 09/21/2024 03:19am

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