SOLD WTS Female Perfect JF Caldari Rhea 26m

Hi, some days ago i purchase these female Jump freighter for move a Rhea and a bunch of items. Not need more her nd her account is inactive, then no hurry for sell.

Highlights :
All the jump habilites at 5 (calibration ,operation, fuel conservation, freighter)
Caldari freighter V
Sis xplanets In pi (CCU and IC at 5, else IV)

Maybe I can get more extracting and selling her as a freighter with PI but is a good pilot is in high sec, No killing rights, positive wallet.

If interested answer the thread, dont reading the eve mail.

Buyout 22.5b

I am for sale.

22.5b here and ready

Excellente, sent isk and account and i deliver.

Sent isk and account info

Trnsfer done. My CC had a problem for the Life insurance payment, i pay with my secondary CC. Please confirm you receive the CCP mail.


CCP mail received. Thanks!

Enjoy !

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