Its a deal, semnd the isk and acc name
isk and acc name sent.
Is this sold im interested
Old padawan have problem with his account YES i can sell to you Sypher Demise.
I talk with Old Padawan of the chance of sell to other because i need the space to other pilot.
Send to slormer 1 3b and is yours, now i am in a hurry for the pilot space.
P^lease answer the thread, i am not reading the evemail
Hmm skills are crap on it you can get in the ship but for cap you won’t be warping nowhere
i retract unless you will take 2b cause tell you the truth that’s all its worth
I have the solid intuition some of the others two buyers and Sypher are the sme person. Anyway i only need wait someone send the Isk or old padawan fre a space in his account.
I dont know what happen here but i was hit by a scammer or similar. Of the people who Ask, one was a new character only topics here talking about caps in a freighter, and another people without chance to fund.
Char available again.
today BUMP
i was sold Sold in
Edit: link corrected
Who bought this toon? I’ll pay 6b to got it from that person.
do u read is extracted ?
Just tell me the name no need to be saulty.
As you can see the buyer was Zoltan Lazar
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