Sold - WTS Marauder / Carrier pilot

Jump clones:

  • HG Crystal + 5% missile support
  • LG Snake + 3% gunnery
  • Improved attribute + 5% missile support

Standing - 1-2 with major factions
- mostly negative with pirate factions

1x Remap available

63M sp (62,868,600 + 130,000 unallocated = 62,998,600 total)

No bounty + killrights + watchlist or anything similar negatives
Positive balance
Docked, 5 jumps from HS Amarr, Tash-Murkon Region.


  • Almost perfect Cruise Golem driver with adecvate support skills - Target painter, Shield, Core skills, T2 Light and Medium drone skills, MJD 5, Salvaging 5
  • Almost perfect Torpedo Golem driver
  • Decent Paladin driver
  • Strong mission related social skills
  • Minmatar carrier and capital supporting skills at 4/5 (Nidhoggur, Hel, and lesser Lif driver capabilities)
  • Bonus: Logi 5, Ore freighter 5 - Noctis, Decent trade skills, Some PI related skills

Smokin’ hot bod and face :wink:
I am her second owner since 2013, no previous info other then corp membership.
Used as HS L4 Mission runner and old TEST-NS Carrier ratting/PI alt.

Bids start at 56B, pending closure on the 20th of December 2024 - 9 AM CEST (EU) (sorry for the long bid, I do have a emotional attachment to the toon) - unless someone offers a ridiculous amount over +50%, in that case it will be closed in 24 hours from that bid.

link not work

Sorry, was not obvious you need to generate a link too:

55B for it

Bump 1/6

Bump 2/6

56B offer

Bump 3/6 - 3 days and a bit left.
Thanx for the first offer Fyrsta!

1 Like

Bump 4/6 - 2 days left

57B offer

58B offer

Bump 5/6 - 1 Day , 19 hours and 5 minutes left.

Made a countdown too if you fancy.

(9 AM CEST (EU) is 10 AM CET or commonly reffered to as GMT+1)

Bump 6/6 - 19+ hours left ! Lezgooo!!! :smiley:

60B offer

61B offer

Good morning Everyone!
57 Minutes left. If there are no hickups, seems like Annika will change owners.

Alright, bids closed.
Fyrsta, please send me your account name via ingame mail and the isk.

ISK & mail sent, thanks!

Account name and ISK received.
Character transfer initiated an paid to CCP.
Starting the 10 hour wait.

Ah, almost forgot. You have a Contract waiting for you for a few days. Contains a travel ship in case you want to move.