SOLD - WTS original capsuleer of 2003, Scope - price reduction - SOLD

Scope is for sale! Now you can be one of the original capsuleer of Eve founding year 2003!

Date of Birth 2003-07-14
Skill Points 935,073
Unallocated SP 45,255
Yearly Remap 1
Bonus Remaps 3
Security Status 0.00
No clone
No kill rights
NPC corp
ISK positive
Location: High sec at station, Jita

Starting bid 20bill
Buyout 25bill





price reduction

Starting bid 20bill
Buyout 25bill


10 billion isk

Hello Friedricer,

Make it 14 bill isk and we have a deal!

12 billion isk

OK, let’s do it!

Send the isk and I’ll initiate the transfer.

ok 12 billion isk and account information sent

Thank you. Transfer initiated.

5/9/2020 10:21:40 PM UTC 1 x EVE Character Transfer €20.00 Paid

Fly safe and have fun!


Character arrived. Thanks for trade !

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