Looking to sell force Recon Pilot
- Will have Positive Sec status when sold.
- Will have positive Wallet balance.
- Will be in NPC corp in Jita at time of sale
- No kill rights
Open to reasonable offers.
Looking to sell force Recon Pilot
Open to reasonable offers.
The Charakter you are Selling here, has to confirm with his own Forumsaccount that he is for sale .
Iām for sale
8 bil
8.5 bil
@Stronger_Trader Sold, if your happy to proceed with the trade can you please send ISK and account to Spectre Clone and I will process the Account Transfer in the next 10 hours.
Ok, i will send the account info and isk to Spectre Clone
Isk and account info sent
@Stronger_Trader Transfer has been paid for and is in progress. Thanks for your business.
@Cynogenz_Tobooran Character received. Thanks for your business.
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