

Im interested, where is it docked in madirmilire?

Its an NPC Station. i have to check if i logg in the Charr but im not at home at the moment.

but dont know why its matter wich NPC Station its docked?

ok I was just curious if it was in a station and not in a citadel. don’t need to know which one

no its in an NPC Station. if u want it let me know i will make the Contract when im back at my Computer.

Have nice Holidays.

Still for sale :slight_smile:

I’ll buy it when I’m home in about 4 hours if you put it up in a contract to me that’d be great.

Contract is made to Hansy Babez.

enjoy your new ship :wink:

Great thanks will accept in a few hours time.

if still for sale contract to me.

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