Naglfar, Nidhoggur, Thanatos, Lif, Ninazu, Rorqual, Falcon etc pilot.
Located in highsec
Positive sec status
Positive Wallet
No killrights
Comes with a nice rorqual clone for drone hp.
Bid: 44b
Buy out: 50b
Thanks for offers. Giving it until tomorrow 16:00 Eve time when I am back from work if not a better buyout offer has been made.
45b best offer. closing it now if no other offers.
1 Like
Ingame letter of readiness for transfer is received. Info and isk sent.
Ok, on my way home from work. will transfer in a bit!
I have opened a ticket for character transfer with plex to your account.
Evemailing you ingame from my other toon, incase you need to get a hold of me.
March 20, 2019, 1:34pm
omg stolen character 100%
Transfer completed, character received, ty.
June 18, 2019, 2:29pm
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