• Bonus remaps available: 1 (Persc/Willpower atm)

  • Located in Jita

  • -1.5 Sec Status

  • 5 Kill rights Longest being 9 days left.

  • Positive Wallet

  • No Jump Clones, (inside +5 Improved)

  • NPC corp

  • No Assets

  • I pay transfer with money.

Start bid: 70B

70b to start it off

75 BO, isk is ready

Send isk and info, I accept your offer of 75bil.

Still for sale.

My offer still stands

Holding it for Arc Hammer, unless someone outbids his 75B

Sorry I took so long, apparently I had a bday party to attend when I got home (…). Let me know if you are still available and I can send ISK on over.

1 Like

ISK and Account Info sent.



20 Apr 2019 07:10
EVE Character transfer

(Can take up to 10hr to recive, notify me tho)

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