( SOLD )

WTS 27m Golem // Tengu Pilot with 230k unallocated SP
Marauders V
Cruise Missiles V
Heavy Missiles V
Got some PI skills

Positive wallet
0.1 sec status
No killrights
Will be sitting in Jita
in NPC Corp
I pay for transfer

Starts at 20B
Buyout 22B

Does it have acced to level 5 caldari missions?

Hey No sorry she cant.

Buyout lowered to 27B

20b offer

25 and we have a deal



25 bil accepted. Send isk and account name and i will start transfer

Buyer not responding.
Character is still for sale.
Buyout lowered to 22


I have a 20B b/o offer

20 B accepted. Send ISK and Account Info to Sybill Aldeland.
I Will start the transfer when im back from work in 4 hours.

Have you accepted my quotation

Thank you. ISK and account info sent.

Hanbot no Sorry wrote u an ingame Mail und you didnt respond. So I thought you dont want it anymore. If Lara Ravencroft rejected her offer you will be first

I want to know if you accepted me or Lara

ISK and account received. Will start Transfer in few hours
@hanbot i accepted Laras offer

Character Transfer started.
Fly Safe.

Toon received. Thanks for the smooth trade. Fly safe o7

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