WTS Ragnarok
Located in Maila, NPC Station
Accepting offers.


  1. 3x Capital Core Defense Field Extender
  2. T2 travel modules

Min price 60B

Please don’t ask me if i’m going to move it to Aunenen, Basgerin, …
I’m not going. Buy titan and move it yourself.
Thank you.

60 bil b/o but I cant accept contract till Thursday or friday us time since I’m currently out of town

Buyout - 65B

Ok, I’ll take it for 65 bil b/o, please make contract and I’ll accept when I get home

send me msg via ingame mail

Rgr, logging in now

sorry, i was away for 1+ month. Ragna is still for sell.

WTS Ragnarok
Located in Maila, NPC Station
Fixed price - 65B


  1. 3x Capital Core Defense Field Extender
  2. T2 travel modules
  3. 200k isotopes

60b b/o

That’s too low. Rise your offer

Ragnarok is still for sale. Bump.

Interested for 62 Bill

sold! thank you.

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