

Wallet is green
No kill rights
Jita 4-4
Can use 3 Jumpclones
Npc Corp

Amarr Carrier V
Drones V
Sentrys V
Energy V
Jump Drive Operation V
Mining V

Start bid 20
B/O 40

I’ll take it 20b

28B offer

29 bil

30 bil

31 bil.

a bit more :stuck_out_tongue:

Retracted, purchased different account

still to buy

32 bil

1 Like

Maize Fields dont respons so char is still to buy

If the Toon is already sold ??


33 bil.

a bit more

I can do 33.5Bil right now. Let me know

thereal Perry than offer accept wait for isk and acc infos than i start the transfer

Isk and info sent! Awaiting Transfer

Transfer engaged. SOLD

Transfer through using money? meaning the 10Hour period has started?