Solution to the Empire ganking trend

Hi! Never seen you around before. Are you new here?

No, I’ve been around for a while.

If you haven’t been to the character bazaar in a while that’s probably why

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You don’t need a solution when there is no problem. Go away.

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You are wrong. It is not an exploit.

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Man r codies slow to the party, already been addressed by another code flunky.

Back on the short bus, day trips over.


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Actually an easy way to balance this out is to make the Bumping a Criminal act against the freighter. Say a Freighter is in a fleet with combat ships guarding it, those ships that accompany the freighter are pretty much left out because they cannot freely engage the bumping ship as a threat. Now if you made it that the bumping individual was set to engage-able by the entire fleet, it will make those doing the gank in this manner actually have to take a risk. This doesn’t end bumping however, because Freighters that fly without escort are pretty much doomed by their own hubris.

Adding to this, since Freighters cannot fight back, then any ship fleeted with them to escort them, should be given auto dueling rights against any ship attacking their friend. This will permit corporations to actually stand a chance to defend and save their cargo, while those who are either unable to pay for escort, or unwilling, are left to the whims of the gankers.

Space Piracy is part of the game, and I accept this, but it needs to evolve. All things that go for so long tend to change, it happened on the high sea’s as well, where ships that hauled cargo was either escorted, or they were armed to the teeth to fight back. Did this always help? No, should it always help in game? Depends on the escorting pilots skills and abilities. Why punish the pilot in the freighter for flying something he worked hard for, and reward a group of croonies who fit cheap ships to steal the loot?

The solution I offer wont end ganking, it’s not intending to, but it is giving those who feel out matched a chance to fight back. This will also give rise to new corporations that will either fly escort for those who are not able to have any, or give gankers a permit to make a new ganking corp where they disguise as escorts and take down the target. Is it so much to ask that things change up so that those taking the RISK of ganking someone in HS, actually takes the risk and earns the reward like Every other player in Eve?


But the trend in ganking is down for the last 3 years.

If you really want balance, then surely balance would be aimed at reversing that slide, because any other sort of “balance this out” means further decline, which is not balance.

I actually wonder if people think further than their noses.

Can you imagine how we can use your idea to kill anything and everything I like. I would train a freighter pilot just for that and have my freighter just bump into targets and have as many friends in fleet as I want get in on the poor sobs that “bumped” my freighter.

Your wall of text sounds like a new player. Somebody that has yet to learn how this game works. Maybe keep your ideas to yourself until you learn to post something that cannot be countered by a quick read through.


If it’s on decline then that is a good thing, but given the activity of CODE and other ganking corporations, I doubt the trend is down. Instead, since they ended the Hulkageddon, it’s now at where it has always been. It’s still a No Risk/All reward system that needs to be updated and properly balanced. I can take myself and 1 alt in Alpha clones in a cheap destroyer with nothing but tech 1 gear and gank a miner or freighter in a system.

Those that are ganked need a boost because if one cannot move assets and ensure they can be sold, then people will stop moving them all together and the market itself will suffer. You will see Jita decline and other trade hubs due to the fact those that sell there cannot reach it anymore. Making a bumper a target-able threat means those that gank, and truly enjoy it, will finally take the risk they need to in order to get rich quick.

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Did you actually validate this?

If you did, then you’d know that what I wrote is correct.

The graph of the ganking trend is in this thread.

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Even if it’s down doesn’t change the fact that the Risk/Reward is not balanced with ganking. Taking a couple thousand isk ship or a fleet valued at just over 5 mil, is not valid risk to earn Billions of isk. The trend matters not and honestly is likely down because CODE’s alts are at war in Null sec. Thus the trend itself is pointless to even mention.

The point still remains that the system needs to change and be overhauled to allow people to better protect their assets and not be helpless with a fleet of allies looking on unable to do anything to stop or prevent the apparent inevitable outcome.

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Then the simple solution is to not load a freighter with stupid amounts of stuff. Freighter pilots (of which I have a very active one in highsec), can totally control that equation and stupid pilots don’t deserve saving by CCP.

HTFU and stop being a whiny carebear. There are those of us that enjoy the game for the challenge it brings us and my ability not to be stupid gives me an advantage over lazy, stupid haulers. There is no need to continue to even the playing field, when we as freighter pilots already have so much advantage as it is.

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yeah so the person that does not want risk should be risk free?

Since when does a max dps gank destoyer cost a couple thousand? Really… just stop posting.

Also where do you get your info from? AG channel? It might be time look at facts rather than posting your opinion.


Freighters have 0 advantages, and nothing wrong with protecting and escorting assets. I have seen KM’s with empty freighters being destroyed for the fun of it. That freighter cost someone a lot of hard work to be lost to a no name scrub lord with 200 K isk and a vendetta against people.

It’s called a natural progression, freighters get shot down, you provide escort. That escort should have 100% rights to engage any ship bumping, targetting, or threatening their cargo with intent of destroying the ship and stealing the goods. It’s called logic and advancement of the content. Don’t like it, then you can find something else to do lol.


No advantages. What’s the base EHP of a freighter?

Before a gank can even happen, that one pilot has to face an opponent that has a fleet, because otherwise there can be no gank. Then add bulkheads and the requirement on the gankers goes up further. Then add a single other character to web and the safety of a freighter becomes near perfect (not totally perfect just because of that). Then gather intel, just like the gankers do and the safety increases again.

No advantages…■■■■■■■■. The balance is all on our side as freighter pilots to begin with. The gankers have to do a heap of stuff to swing it the other way and if you look at the bulk of freighter losses, they occur because freighter pilots don’t use those advantages (eg. they cargo expand, they fly solo, they don’t gather intel, etc.) and then they whinge they couldn’t solo pwnmobile a whole fleet that is needed to kill them.

However, it is clear you aren’t here about balance at all, despite the opening of your initial post. It’s just another carebear cry.



I just checked CODE KB. You need to look pretty hard to find empty freighter, while they exist, i see 12 people running loosing ships at around 60-70 mill a pop. Can you do the math how much the gangers loose vs a 1.1 billion isk ship? Aside from the fact that they can be shot at by anybody? Dunno about you but it seems spending 720 million to pop 1.1 bill ship while being an active target for everybody in eve already seems risky.

Here is the difference. They do not care about the Risk or ISK… they accepted the cost of being a ganker, and be target for everybody. Obviously that bothers you because a game is not hurting them or they do not take a game as serious as you.


There is nothing wrong with protecting one’s assets, and if you are going to complain that a Ganker will have to spend a bit more isk to get the reward then you have no concept of how things work. My suggestion doesn’t make ganking impossible, it makes Ganking a riskier adventure. It also permits ganking from ships other than a swarm of poorly fit destroyers. If anything CCP can alter it to where those ganking wont be concorded since it will be a legit fight between two entities. I love how small minded you are and closed off to any form of advancing and altering something you clearly lack any understanding of.

Again you want to balance and fix the Risk/Reward of Ganking, implement my plan. Risk - Taking on a fleet and killing them to get their loot - Reward. Gankers honestly have the greatest advantage out of the scenario as is due to the fact their ships are not expensive to make in the least. I have yet to see a 1 billion isk destroyer die after taking a 2 billion isk Freighter.

Bumping, and engagement of the Freighter with a fleet should be given dueling permissions upon the bumper and gankers in order to protect assets. This having been said, those freighters that are not escorted or protected by a fleet are pretty much doomed to die alone and give the gankers what they want. Implementing this system doesn’t end ganking, but it gives corporations a means to protect what is theirs.

Again if you don’t like this idea then you really lack any fundamental process of allowing an individual, corporation, and Alliance the right to defend what is theirs. Also the EHP of a freighter means nothing when 30 Destroyers with a fit of max 100K can alpha every number in that EHP to cause an instant kill. No gank ever takes 2 shots. Now my plan doesn’t even help those who are mining and get ganked by 2 or 3 destroyers with crum fits due to the fact that the mining ships can actually fit a tank to repel the assault.

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Then protect them. If you are talking about an escort fleet, then that escort fleet can already assist the Freighter. They can:

  1. scout the system ahead to look for a Mach
  2. web the freighter into warp
  3. counter bump
  4. gank the Mach (they are usually quite blingy)
  5. bump any Mach before the freighter jumps into system so the Mach can’t bump

There are probably others.

You wanting a ship to go suspect so you can freely shoot it is just carebear thinking. You already have all the tools you need to deal with a bump Mach. Gank it would be a good approach.

The game doesn’t stop you, only your appetite for risk does and CCP shouldn’t lower the risk for you, just so you are happy. In the process, they’ll diminish aspects of the game that others enjoy and you aren’t any more entitled to your playstyle than anyone else is. Suck it up and deal with it.