Solution to the Empire ganking trend

It’s amazing how delusional you are, I stick by my plan and feel that it will bring more content to EVE than what is in place now. You can only see it from one side because like many Gankers, anything that affects your ability to get rich quick, or hinder your efforts to ruin the game for another is automatically a threat to you.

As the song says: “The Times they are a changing.”

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You come here basing your posts on no validation of your opinion and then call others delusional for calling you out for your laziness. Well…that is very normal of carebears, so not unexpected.


Says the one clearly upset that they will have to work harder to get the rewards they feel they are entitled to as a ganker just because they themselves lack the skills or ability to get it the right way.

Typical lol.


I’m not a ganker.

See, just can’t even check basic things before you post. Typical lazy carebear behaviour.


1: I want to see these kill mails showing 5 million isk gank fleets taking out a freighter.

2: why is it the “fleet of allies” are just looking on and not …oh I don’t know…bumping the bumper? Webbing the freighter? Part of some anti ganking 5 million isk machariel popping fleet? Helping you construct a post that resembles reality?


Because a single destroyer is capable of ganking a freighter. Right.

If we don’t agree with you we’re wrong? Nice logic there kiddo.

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Weird how all these suggestions are completely irrelevant to a solo player.

You can can give other suggestions. These are not normal gameplay choices for a solo player.

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Even weirder how these were suggestions to the specific request about having escorts, which isn’t solo play at all.

My start in this game was sort of similar to yours. I did my month or 2 in HS to get used to mechanics, ships, etc. then I went out to LS and became a sorta pirate. And just like you I ratted to get my status back up, its what got me into PVE side of things in this game. I had only 2 toons back then so ability to take them to empire space and sell / buy stuff was a big deal for me.

But I somewhat disagree with you about the tags. The way I see it, ganking nowadays is just too cheap first and foremost. The ISK loss of ganking vs ISK loss of being ganked is just completely out of whack. Game / ships or mechanics of it need to be rebalanced so there is actual risk involved for the gankers.

Alternatively, step it up and have territory Navies go after players with -10 or concord right off the bat at undock. Right now this just isnt working. So the players with -10 would need to buy those expensive tags to get themselves back up to at least -5 or around there, this would also make somewhat of a dent in risk, but not as much due to disposable alpha accounts. So adressing the ISK balance via ships / modules necessary to successfully gank would be much better.


How so? Solo players can hire escorts. Solo players can make deals. Someone choosing not to use alts is a solo player in a multiplayer game.

Who mentioned alts?

Jeez, just a few posts above you are talking about group play not being relevant for solo players (which I agree with), and now saying these things are solo play.

Which is it?

Dear lord … use your brains before posting.

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Then don’t fly a freighter FFS! It is a multiplayer game, you are supposed to cooperate.

Since when is replying to a post mandatory to be within a certain timeframe?

Sorry, but I don’t quite get why you would say that. There is no change coming.

It seems you are actually the one who is upset he has to put in any work to ensure the safety of his ships. But that is actually part of the game. hundreds of people manage to pilot their freighters safely around every single day because they know what they are doing. If that is too difficult for you I guess then you lack the skill required to do this simple task in EVE.



You posting repeatedly in one thread is very unusual.

Btw, I am a big fan of your pointed "Go away"s.

They hit the nail on the head, 100% of the time.

I am an unusal type of person :wink: … I like my “go away” as well. They are always pointed at people with hideously bad ideas.

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Let me start off by saying that i prefer PvE combat. I am still rather new to EvE after returning from a several year break. I have some past experiences in my head, but not much.

I understand that people want to gank. However there are also people who just want to PvE. and that is fine too. Everyone should have a space to do the things they want to do. You want to do PvP? Great, there are loads of sectors out there for you to do that. You want to do PvE in a safe environment where you don’t have to worry about other players? That is what High sec is for. It isn’t rewarding, and the game does try and push you towards more dangerous space, but if you want to do just that, you should be allowed to.

High Security ganking shouldn’t be allowed. End Of. It is supposed to be well defended. It is ‘High Security’ afterall. I saw yesterday a new player get suicide ganked in High Sec. The loot was nothing, just a few minerals. All they were trying to do was cause another player grief. Now if that had happened in null sec, i would have been fine with it. Afterall, he signed up for the risks. He knew it was dangerous out there. Put players are told by the game early on that High sec is supposed to be safe. So, to not have it safe… sorta defies the point.

If i came into null sec and got suicide ganked, i wouldn’t be pleased. But hey, it is is PvP space, that is allowed. I would recover from it. I extend that courtesy not to moan about that. So at the very least, the PvP community could extend the courtesy to leave High Sec space alone for the people who would be rather be left alone. You have a far larger playground than us, so go play somewhere else.


I disagree with you. I have been ganked a couple times in Hisec years ago and learned from it. Also it is High Security, not ‘Total Security’. In EVE, and it always has been so, the only place where you’re perfectly safe is docked up.

There is no ‘suicide ganking’ outside of Hisec, as there is no Concord. The whole of EVE is PVP allowed, just learn to deal with the different rules for the different levels of security space.

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The difficulty with this type of position, it that it doesn’t recognise the benefits that ganking brings you as well.

That is, the game is balanced around risk and reward. They are linked and the risk is both player and environment driven.

If ganking wasn’t allowed at all in highsec, the risk would go down. That would also mean that the reward would have to go down also. The PVE that you like, would pay less or be more scarse, because you don’t face as much risk.

The presence of ganking in highsec is actually a good thing for you, if you are a smart player that can avoid being ganked.

Then you have access to the reward, while the risk is managed. That’s much better than the alternative.