We all know how many titans have accumulated in players’ hangars over the past 21 years. We know that after numerous deteriorations in their characteristics, they are not like the titans at the time of their appearance. This is no longer a strategic weapon of the alliance, which everyone fears and whose destruction caused such delight. I think that the developers would like to return to the time when the titans were numbered in units and were the weapons that all of Eve was afraid of. My proposal is to introduce titanium into Eve, the production of which requires 10 titans of each race, for a total of 40. Its power will be impressive - doomsday on the entire grid with damage of 3 million.
To learn this titan’s skill, a pilot must learn all 4 racial titans. Studying the power of doomsday - from 500 thousand to 3 million. The damage radius is from 50 km to 250 km.
This will solve the issue of titan oversaturation in large blocks and will return titanium to the battlefield as a strategic force. Additionally, introduce some new technologies for its construction. And old players will have a new alternative to continue their training. If the developers are interested in my concept, please give me 1 drawing for the new titanium))
No thanks. There’s a term for what you’re wanting. It’s called power creep, and it’s bad in any game. Once there were thousands of these “Titaniums”, you’d want something even bigger and nastier, ad nauseum…
Calm down miner.
We do?
Wow, then why don’t we see them all the time?
Oh, yeah. They’re glorified taxis 99% of the time, and primary target the other 1%.
Titans aren’t an issue, because outside of fighting other Titans and bridging they’re pretty much useless.
No, I really don’t but I give you props for spelling hangars properly.
New Players definitely don’t.
Just a reminder: Q&A for Noob Problems. What makes you think this is the brainstorming center for weird ideas?
Well, do you really think any developer is reading this section of forums?
I might imagine here’s some better place to discuss: Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums
The issue with titans and supers isnt the build cost; its that they are unnecessary.
To cure this issue you have to make them necessary and subject to loss.
In order to do that you have to create a non player ‘sink’ for example for null blocs that would probably be in the form of some sort of heavy pirate incursion where the ships need to be used but also have high losses - obviously the losses should be more or less covered and its the build time that then stems the flow of these ships into the universe.
How you would cure it for the rest of eve is beyond me though, you cant fix an issue if people dont undock.
Apparently you don’t know a lot about EVE. CCP removed grid doomsdays many years ago because they were overpowered. You also don’t seem to know that more expensive doesn’T mean less usage. Look at Zirnitras and faction dreads, they are now ubiquitous and have largely replaced T1 dreads.
I vote only the last 50 manufactured titans continue to exist, if your titan was manufactured 51 titans ago, its because your faction is weak and should be destroyed. get rekt.
I like the approach
However, the simple “solution” to the “excess” of “anything” is adding a constant maintenance cost to these items (sometimes called “upkeep” or “food” or “supply”). If you produce too much war assets, you will simply go bankrupt at some point just from the maintenance bills. Many other games have used that mechanic to prevent anyone from stockpiling war assets to a degree that they become basically unengagable. It’s not only logical (see RL armies), it’s also helpful for interesting gameplay because it motivates the players to actually use their weapons and rather replace them if they break instead of constantly paying for nothing.
For EVE, many implementations would work, but I doubt we will ever see this happening, as the big blocks would cry bloody murder, like with all changes that would be good for the game but bad for their position of power…
Jump bridge range and hp pool for all titans slowly deteriorates?
Use it before it’s useless.
I like the maintenance or upkeep option, but it would probably need to be a permanent thing (too easy to simply undock/dock to disperse any timers).
51? last count goons fielded over a thousand in one fleet…
Well were the limitations applied, they’d have at most 50, and only if they were the last 50 to be produced.
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