We want to expand our community and we are looking for small corporations from the european timezone to join us.
We are a laid back community with some german speaking people in I0AB in the region of Syndicate. We are one of the oldest alliance in this region and well connected with alliances around us. The infrastructure is fully installed, including the good moons, and we can offer all sorts of pvp and pve content. It takes only one jump with the JF to get to highsec.
We are looking for one or two small groups, e.g. corporations with 4-8 active players, who want to enjoy the freedom of npc nullsec with us. You have to be able to engage in english. We welcome people from high- or lowsec with low experience in pvp who want to make the transition to nullsec.
For any further questions contact Seth Kanan or Brutus Voss.