Sorry but my location is classified
rental got round all these issues, big null blocs can now make the systems they own into rental for the ones they dont use, even moons are rented, this makes the system be active whilst nullblocs can be completely not active but still own sov and make billions from passive isk…
Rentals are not a new concept. That’s been going on for well over a decade, and closer to 2.
Those do work and solve much of the problem, but truth is, it’s just not practiced much.
Again, if you go roaming around in null, you will find MANY regions that are owned by large alliances and are simply large vast wastelands going unused. You will be lucky to find a shuttle. This isn’t just a bit here or there, it’s a huge set of deserts with an occasional oasis of life.
While no one is willing to attempt an unpopular fix that may piss off the super alliances, we continue to see the problem everywhere and the eve community as a whole is paying the price. No fix is perfect. Everyone knows that, but doing nothing just seems worse.
Rental is not a solution to this. It is merely a contract to pay-to-not-get-bothered, feeds the blobs and with this further solidifies the status-quo. What we need to make null interesting is a dynamic, liquid landscape. Not big blobs that carebaer in their space.
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