Spam officialy


lol wut?

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do to not aIko spamm to police , if informations true for aiKo on bulling is a assault, she go and can get EXECUTE and is NOT joke. Aiko gone forver and family 3 generation in goulagg, very sad, so please no false information’s to polices!


Awaiting a Developer Official words about topic.

I really hope @BillMaster_Oddolara learns to calm down. Has anyone offered them a cup of Chamomile Tea? I hear it helps to calm the nerves. It might even reduce their urge to spam in chat channels.


Be waiting a while

Spam topic :slight_smile:

Players are already warned about system downtime within the game itself. It’s a message that appears right in the middle of the screen and you can’t really avoid it. The messages accelerate in frequency as downtime approaches. Thus nobody actually needs you spamming the warnings in chat.

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O yes , 60 minutes before , 15 minutes before and 5 but it isnt important …all the time Helpers at Rookie Help answer in a topic -mission bug after a dt …that mean there is a hole in logic , logic that is already ‘injected’ to game. It is up to ccp , i reported a crime …do not belive that my information’s dropped in 10 and 35 minutes break can by a spam that disrupts a Rookie Help , true is in 35 minutes Helper at Rookie Help answer around 10 questions even more, In these time my informations do not even appear in chat window It is one message. Heading to the point → it isn’t joke with taste…so i report it. Next fact is the spam is at rookie help in jokes many times , and if it is allowed by community there are situations when player ask for q and a and read few … from player <—category off d???.. but now im a d???. SO I SAY AWAITING A CCP RESPONSE , IM NOT BLOCKED OR BANNED AT THE MOMENT , I TALK WITH POLICE they say AWAIT RESPONSE. . …but before you start topic about Improving a game It isn’t topic for players to talk , i know the definition of Spam.

You feel like you are being helpful, but to the thousands of people in the Rookie Chat channel who are not doing missions, your unsolicited walls of copy-pasted text are unwanted messages containing useless information, repeatedly. You’re the spammer. It’s not hard for anyone else to see.


Stop Sspamming…Stop Spamming…Stop Spamming

Also … kill the CAPS, learn to spell, punctuate, form proper sentences and make sense.


If you were reported for spamming then you’re a spammer. Your opinion doesn’t count for simple reason that you were reported. You may believe or notice anything in the meantime but it will stick. No need to complain or whine. It has been decided and it is thus… So Help You God.

Ponder on this seriously: no one needs your help. It’s not a bad thing. It leaves you time for stuff you’ve always wanted to do but felt you couldn’t because of all those people you thought needed your help. Now you can concentrate on yourself without guilt.
Just like me :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Captain_BeerMonster that SPAM burger would go well with an @Iceacid_Frostpacker’s special wordsalad. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I think I understand the start of the sentence, but I got a bit confused.

It sounds to me that you are yourself frustrated by spam in the Rookie Help channel, and your argument is that your own spam is less significant. I agree with your assessment. Indeed, there are many spammers, and I have reviewed your case and decided to pardon you. Nobody is saying you should be punished, but they are politely asking you to cease and desist. There are over a thousand people in that channel.

Please consider that 1000+ people is a lot, and most people should not be posting anything. As I recall from my days as a new player, the channel is a source of endless frustration and made me want to log out and never play the game. I only started to enjoy EvE after I finally figured out how to leave that channel, as it was constantly scrolling text so fast that I could not even read it. When I asked a question, even if someone answered, I could not see the answer because it would just scroll away into oblivion.

For this reason, I urge you to only post when you are answering a specific question, and it is best practice to privately message people (rather than spamming everyone). I am sorry if this upsets you, but I am being quite reasonable and patient.

I think you are not considering that while your warnings may help a new player, they also hinder a larger number of new players (who are not asking the question you answered). I suggest you embrace utilitarian ethical philosophy, seeking the greatest benefit for the greatest number of individuals. Since most players are not asking the question you answer, it is best to not answer, as you otherwise make it difficult for other questions to be answered. In other words, your ‘help’ is actually a hindrance to those seeking help.

To reiterate, I once again suggest that you wait for new players to ask a question, rather than bombarding them with answers to unasked questions. I hope you will carefully consider a scenario in which all 1000 people begin answering unasked questions, at which point the channel will be harder to read than JIta local. That will not help new players at all. If this argument is a crime, then I am guilty.

As a new player myself, I figured out on the first day that downtime is a thing, and it was quite obvious that if the game disconnects me in the middle of doing something, that there might be some difficulty resuming upon logging back in. Certainly, after it happens once, most new players will learn, and I do believe that CCP provides an ample 5 minute warning notice which clarifies that people should consider docking up.

I further suggest that if CCP wants new players to be better informed about downtime, they might convey that information through any number of methods, which do not involve posting in that channel. If you feel the downtime warning should be modified to include three additional 15 minute warnings, that is a fine idea, but you should suggest to CCP that they implement this change via their software, rather than unilaterally deciding that you will personally undertake the task yourself.

Remember, you are not getting paid to do this, and your manual activity might easily be replaced by an automated warning system. I offer no opinion on whether CCP should actually do this, although I personally feel it is unnecessary, but perhaps it might easily be enabled as an option for new players. If CCP needs help programming this, I will provide them with a while() loop, free of charge. They will of course need to make me an ISD, GM, CSM, CCP, CTO, or CEO, so that I can communicate with them and provide the relevant lines of code (I estimate it will be less than fifteen lines in total).

Since you have apparently contacted the police to report my criminal actions here today, or so you have stated, I hereby voluntarily submit this testimony under penalty of perjury as evidence of my intent, knowing that anything I say can and will be used against me. I will comply with any subpoena, deposition, summons, or international warrant to further investigate my heinous crime. Unfortunately, my government is a totalitarian dictatorship run by my older brother, and he is unlikely to extradite his beloved little sister. You will need to contact our embassy to arrange my surrender.

Thank you and best wishes from me to you.


@BillMaster_Oddolara the Rookie Help channel is for EVE Q&A. Unsolicited generic information “announcements” are considered off-topic and make the already fast moving chat harder for folks to follow. Multiple downtime cluster-wide notices are sent to all players.

Folks are free to right click → block anyone they consider disruptive, and a 6 line post which pushes questions or answers they were trying to follow would fit this criteria for some, but not for others.


I have a question for you @BillMaster_Oddolara :

Why are you spamming your own forum thread?

Constantly repeating yourself, and not offering any new or relevant information is spam. And you are doing that here as well.

Also, really, RL police are going to waste their time investigating your tushy-troubled blocked status and isk doublers in a fictional video-game?

Talk about entitlement.

@ISD_Drew Thank you for answer.

@Ax_l_Thorne It is so called ‘Podstawa do wykonania czynnosci’ and one thing more , crime do not need to be reported to a Police to allow them work in this case they got everything in the web by my own screenshot. And it is a reason why i need developer words. , and next topic is account block if i do not say a word here i like my account, i personally believe i should say few words.

@Aiko_Danuja You are ganking even at forum , but do not committed a crime[here] in understanding of law , true is no one expect that a man know a law around a globe.

You may say im too serious , it is up too me at all.

Topic can be close.

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omg im not ganking u

come on my guy

lets… calm… down



So does this mean Aiko will spend years in a Polish prison soon for cyber harassment? :thinking:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :blush: