What does your post contribute to?
Nothing as well.
Mine here contributes to tell others that yours doesn’t contribute to anything
Why did you move this? I intended it to be in general discussion for a wider audience, and obviously it falls under the mantel of eve general discussion.
I have been aware of this document for three years, but thank you.
A little insensitive to tell someone with chronic issues falling and remaining asleep to prioritize sleep, but okay. My insomnia has no bearing on whether or not it’s good game design to punish a misclick this severely.
This is why I only block those who chronically argue in bad faith, not all those who disagree with me. The criteria is the motivation for the reply and the frequency in which a poster makes troll replies. I have no problem silencing these individuals and their content.
Alcohol is a cure worse than the disease in the long run.
A joint works sometimes, but often times trees just make me more energized.
Trolling is about intent and frequency. If you intend is to act in bad faith and you do that repeatedly, it’s trolling. No mistake is required.
You clearly have a very limited understanding of sleep issues, but the nature of insomnia is not the topic of this post. Please save the advice for Home and Country Magazine, you’re not bringing anything of value to the table.
And this is what makes your responses not troll responses, everyone take note. You can disagree and debate, but thinking you know someone’s struggles more than they do is fundamentally acting in bad faith.
This is why I have them ignored. They have a history of this spanning at least a few years. I’d recommend doing the same; they never have anything to contribute in good faith.
It contributes to keeping the discussion on point and discouraging trolls.
I will try not to block anyone because Lord knows they may have a good idea in the future but my patience, although longsuffering, has its limits too.
FYI I was able to fall asleep last night while reading Albert Einstein and now there’s a spit stain on the page
But on topic, I agree that the whole standing system needs to be reviewed and adjusted. But CCP prefers wasting their time making sure that the players grind more for less fun. Then they wonder why players leave
Thank you.
I’m not a game designer so I’m not sure personally what the best solution is. One presumes at the very least it would involve making the rules regarding mission rats and standings uniform across all missions, and that the amount of loss should be reduced but NOT made trivial. Faction Navy rat X should be the same standings hit in every mission, not wildly divergent depending on which mission it is.
Someone mentioned above the four hour rule, and I think perhaps that warrants some looking at but I’m not sure that really addresses the issue. Decoupling faction and corporation standings as it relates to mission agents might be another idea, but that has some unintended consequences regarding mission access. Maybe making the mission window more obviously display the opposing factions might be another (it already does this but it is not always obvious if you don’t know to look for it).
In my case the error was entirely my own doing and there is some merit to the argument of ‘you’re too tired to play eve.’ That mistake should have consequences. The consequences should not be the destruction of months of work.
The point of the thread is to say this system sucks and needs a update to me more in line with QOL and modern practices. I think standings choices SHOULD matter and SHOULD be meaningful. They should not be arbitarily punishing. Even the market windows have confirmation prompts for christ sake.
OOF. Every victory it seems comes with a cost haha
Yeah but when the crisis are limited in time, drinking a very small glass of rhum heated in the microwave 10s with cane sugar can really helps.
As much as it can be a poison for another person, even inducing worse thoughts and addiction.
And even when it works, it’s difficult to stop as you are afraid of not sleeping -.-
What was eye opening to me was how a friend told me she only need to close her eyes 5 min to sleep, anywhere, anywhen.
And I was like : less than 4 hours to fall asleep ? Are you kidding me ?
So I understand that other people may have actually no idea how it is, and be prone to judgement about an illness they can’t fathom.
@topic @Nascent3ch0
I perfer simple solutions.
If a mission doesn’t give a faction standing gain on completion, it shouldn’t cost a faction standing loss on failure/reject. Because why should an empire care if you fail/reject a deal with a corporation, thats way below their sphere of interest.
However, if you decide to run the mission and kill another empire’s ships, you should get a standing hit towards them. You basically attacked them and they couldn’t care less if it was part of a mission you accepted for their enemies.
This way, an accidentally accepted faction mission could always be declined to avoid a faction standing loss.
You don’t lose three months of standings gain from declining/aborting one mission. You might from attacking another faction though.
This is the only reasonable point you’ve made. IIRC shooting sentry turrets makes factions REALLY mad for some reason.
There is some merit to this strategy. It still locks down the agent for a few days while you wait for the offer to decay, unless you remove penalties for rejecting missions post accepting them altogether, but I suppose that’s better than losing a whole point of faction standings.
Why can’t you just live with the corp/agent standing loss? I mean, thats regained in a few hours and it doesn’t really matter for anything. And you probably don’t have such an ‘accident’ very often…
It’s not corp / agent, its faction one that is the problem.
As you said, corp / agent is easy to rework, however, faction one takes long time.