Starting Over

60m SP.
Mostly carebear.
Has “good” Mission - Industry skills. Not the end of the world but good. Amarr.

It does have a nice set of T2 Ship skills. Legion too.

LunarGlow Skill & Standings Sheet (

I don’t know how to do this, first time.
50B Or best offer.

There are a few required things you must disclose. Implants, Jump Clones (and location if any), and if there are any active kill rights against you, as well as wallet (positive or negative) status. Also, make sure you are already in an NPC Corp, you must be in (and remain in) an NPC Corp during the entire sales process.

Additional but not mandatory information like: available remaps, left over LP, or injected (expensive) ship skins are occasionally included.

45 bill

Sold, what do i do?

[a] I will send the ISK and the account info to your character.
[b] You send the isk and all other removable assets to one of your other characters.
[c] Then on the account page at the bottom you find “Transfer Character” and proceed with the process (costs 20 USD).
[d] The transfer will automatically finish after 10 hours during which you can no longer log into your character. Finished.

Parking this now, giving me a minute.

I have sent the ISK and account info.

I think i got this right, please confirm.

I see the character inbound to my account. Thanks.

so cheap omg

I was waiting for the required info to bid. LOL RIP

You don’t need all info if a deal is quickly made unless you get caught by an ISD xD
I was watching this going on and decided not to interfere in Gina Toxic’s lucky day.

A little bidding war never hurts.