State of the Union: Factional Warfare & Frontlines

If there isn’t a special place to go, or gated ship requirements, someone may have an easier time of figuring out how to abuse the mechanics for max LP by shooting alts and corp-mates using the cheapest possible ships in an empty system.

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It’s not unplanned if it’s a totally opt-in system.

Don’t want to be at war? Don’t join. The players who do join will be well-rewarded for the increased risk. Meanwhile, the rest can continue to mine their Veldspar or run their level 4 missions in peace.


This will work better as a whole high sec war deck system overhaul imo, maybe tying into fw somehow.
Place some type of ruling structure for your alliance in high and gain territory there gain benifits in your systems for your alliance members but everyone in your alliance is red to everyone else in high sec.

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I have a feeling that it’s not so much them “wanting something like a frontline system in place,” but rather to have anything that’s not what we have in the game currently.

You’re really going to try to convince me that players want pseudo-instanced PvP zones and “turn in 10 bear pelt” quests by virtue of the merits of those concepts themselves, as opposed to mere alternatives to the bot-farming garbage we have in the game today?


Fair enough.

My main concern is the relative emptiness of space. It’s hard enough finding people to fight, and I don’t think your proposal addresses that issue.

The reward incentives can be on a sliding scale according to player participation. If only 58 total players enroll in the system? Well, maybe they deserve that 500% increase to their NPC bounties, and 0% market trading taxes.

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No, I very much know what was talked about and put forth by the FW community. There was a lot of planning that went into it, the systems behind it, and the pitch to CCP by the CSM.

These “turn in 10 bear pelt” quests are there for a reason. It’s a way for people who don’t want to pvp to help, besides just doing logistics and giving the pvpers money. I like it. I don’t care how you trivialize it, I think it’s a perfectly fine system to implement. In a way, it’s already in the game through LP donations to hubs to keep them up and keep the tier up.

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Does not mean that it can’t go through a design process to make it better and not a standard quest hand in that all other mmo’s use, CCP are still developing so now is the time to give them idea’s. Obviously as long as its not huge change’s lol…

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By all means, enjoy your EVE battlegrounds. I left FW a long time ago because the system is nothing but another avenue for carebears to grind ISK, and is completely out-of-line with this game’s original open-world PvP vision.

It’s no skin off my back, because my gameplay doesn’t rely on waiting for someone to enter my complex so that I can have an honorable FW PvP duel with them. I get around that limitation by, well, just shooting everyone I can.

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So… nullsec?

I mean, the idea of ‘this is MY space’ doesn’t really work when CONCORD and the empires say ‘this space belongs to the State/Fed/Empire/Republic’.


LOL FAIR… The big difference thou is that high sec has people wondering around in the same local all the time where as in null they see someone that isn’t blue and dock, in high sec that would be imposible.

It’s a lot more like NPC thou.

Tbh this is more like gang’s in a way they don’t really own it but they damn well benefit and try to control it.

Don’t get me wrong, I think your ideas have merit… I just also think that’s exactly how nullsec IHUBs work.

No it wouldn’t. If everyone outside your alliance is red, then guess what happens when your alliance sees a bunch of reds come into their space.

Either you form up a fleet to defend… just like null does… or you dock up… just like in null. Right now the difference is that in highsec, you can’t tell who’s a potential hostile. Under your system, ‘everyone in your alliance is red to everyone else in high sec’… so everyone not in your alliance is automatically red.

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Highsec dwellers will probably pass for sure. They want to turn off pvp completely in hs anyway.

But for lowsec farmers, what is the reason not to enlist?They are already being hunted by neutrals anyway. I think it would actually be way too generous/profitable because the universe is too vast and potential to hide in forgotten ls and crab there is too high.

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Yea fair, it would be a lot of design work for very little benifit.

That’s up to you. I’ll enjoy what I enjoy. And a whole lot of FW players will enjoy it too, because it’s what a lot of us wanted.

FW was never about fighting anywhere and everywhere. That’s what a wardec is for. FW is about fighting over contested systems in a specific way.

You can play whatever way you want. I don’t need to like your ideas, as I’m sure you don’t like mine.


Pfff, and what do you know about nullsec Ihubs?


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Depends on what you mean by ‘farmers’, though. If you’re looking at the people who go out there harvesting materials, then enlisting in FW means you can’t go into certain parts of highsec that are currently open for travel. If you’re looking at the folks who just run missions and plex in FW space without engaging in PvP… I dunno, from what I’ve heard, FW folks don’t want them there in the first place.

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More than I’d like, less than I should. :wink:


CCP what is happening with fw missions btw?

O nvm I guess they are being replaced with the hand in’s. Hopefully lol.

Travelling in hs is more dangerous than in ls :wink: . But okay, if you sometimes farm ls and sometimes you hang out afk in highsec or fly on autopilot there and you want to preserve this ability then sure you won’t enlist into fw. I would probably pass on my main as well, but if it would be possible to join with single char without dropping corp then I would definitely dedicate one of my alts to crab belts and anoms in ls for increased payout. That alt wold be dedicated so no big deal.

@Destiny_Corrupted idea sounds good, but it won’t amount to much more players actually fighting against each other. It just increases crabbing payouts in low. And honestly what will achieve this end? Except ability to join fw without dropping corp of course.

Do you really think that some gameplay changes to plexes will suddenly cause huge interest for fw by those who never tried it so far and ignored it? I doubt this really.

We need to shrink available space. Then more pvp and more desruction happens. Not any other way.