Stop the ganking start the pvping

Instanced PvE is the death of this game. Also you’re a selfish prick for constantly whining to buff your playstyle at the cost of an entire section of our playerbase. Entitlement. Selfish pricks like you have been killing this game for a decade now. We don’t have to tell you to get out of the game though. If any of the things you wanted actually happened there wouldn’t be a game and if they don’t happen you’ll end up quitting because this game isn’t made for players like you.

Go play one of the thousands of other PvE MMOs and get the f4ck out of my ONE f4cking PvP MMO.


I agree that instanced PvE is bad, that’s why my preference is to make safe PvE possible outside of instancing.

I think that people like you have been killing the game. Griefing is easy and affects thousands of people most of which are new players. I think it’s selfish to want to continue with a playstyle that causes that much harm. You want to keep ganking because it’s easy to do and doesn’t require you to actually be good at the game.

There would be a game, even if all ganking was removed.

I’ll stay and play this one and keep campaigning for the changes I believe would improve it, but thank you for the suggestion.

So you are saying that the ones that get ganked know how to play the game, the gankers who outsmart them. don’t know how to play the game?

Should the loser get the medal, the winner a booby prize?

How do you know it is easy to do, talking from experience?

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Certain kinds of ideological approaches “rhetorically cast their enemies as ‘at the same time too strong and too weak’.”

Ganking is both too strong as it is too easy but also it is too weak to even think of keeping around when it’s hard to do.


Gankers have less skill than a new player, apparently.

Some Capsuleers like to be strangled on purpose though that could be a smoothbrain.

I have to laugh at ‘safe PvE’. Why not call it what you really mean…EASY PvE. After all, if PvE was always harder than PvP you’d have nothing to whine about. But clearly you just want to zap easy and predictable belt rats or anomalies and then pretend you’ve played a Massive Multiplayer Online game.


Safe PvE?

As in PvE that has no risk from the NPC’s?

I agree. My hard earned maurauder should never be put under threat by a burner NPC, nor should my freighter be destroyed by trigs hanging off a gate in trig minor victory systrms.


Massive Multiplayer Online doesn’t require PvP. You seem to think that if you’re not interested in shooting other players that means that it’s not multiplayer.

Most PvE in Eve does not require a single other player to be logged in. You can belt rat, do combat anomalies, missions, etc, completely solo. Why don’t you just ask CCP to send you an Eve CD and then you can save on internet connection fees and do all that PvE stuff without ‘interference’ from anyone !

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Because I like MMOs. You don’t need to enjoy shooting each other to enjoy a shared universe. If MMOs were just about shooting each other there’d be no need for any PvE to exist at all.

Ok but Eve Online has always been a different type of MMO in which non-consentual PVP was always on the cards, even when you undock in high sec. That has always been EVE’s main selling point.

To put in perspective, it’s the MMO version of those full loot extraction shooter FPS games in which you drop into the round, you die, and you lose everything you carried. And as far as I know, it predates all of them as well.

I mean those games are full of complainers who also attempt to convince the community and devs a safe pve-only mode is the way to go, or try to suggest ways to restrict PvP from “evil” Player-Killers.
To me it shows a lack of understanding of the type of game and genre they are playing. And it’s not different from Eve and a vocal part of the community who claim an activity like high sec ganking (which probably amounts to a tiny fraction of all the pvp losses in the cluster) is a HUGE problem and is somehow “destroying the game”.

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It may have been a main selling point to you, but it’s not for others.

Ganking is a tiny fraction of all PvP losses, but it affects new players more than it affects anyone else, and it only takes a small group of gankers to affect a much larger number of people. Wars had the same problem and that’s why they were changed.

I’d like to also point out the hypocrisy here, as you say that ganking is a tiny thing and so can’t be claimed to have a big impact, but at the same time you think removal of ganking would be a massive problem. Surely if ganking is a “tiny fraction of all the pvp losses” then the removal of it would have no more than a tiny impact on pvp.

“Not for others”. Are you sure about that? Everyone knows the type of genre they are getting into. This same argument can be made about PvPvE FPS games.
But then some players cry foul and claim they were mislead, some way, somehow, and that they are being griefed by PvP players?

There is no hypocrisy. Ganking is a small part of the accrued losses, but removing it / restricting it even further, implies a change of direction in a full loot PvPvE game which ultimately changes the core of the game, that’s why it’d be such a big change.

And if non consentual pvp was not your cup of tea, why are you playing? Realise you will always be at risk whenever you undock in these games. If you can’t tolerate that, why are you playing a game in which those mechanics are the main selling point?

There’s always a group of people in these PvPvE games, be them MMOs or FPS games, that decide to play a game in a genre they KNOW they completely hate, and then go whine and complain trying to have the game mechanics changed to whatever they want - usually something that would completely betray the core of the game.

“I hate FPS games but I guess I will go play CSGO, and if people shoot me, I will go to the forums and demand they create separate servers where encounters can be decided by a card game, rather than FPS skill. Because it’s totally unfair.”

I dont want to sound harsh or that Im pushing you out, but realise, if you dont enjoy the forced pvp aspect, then maybe this game is not for you? Plenty of other MMO games where PVP is entirely consentual. Rather than trying to ruin it for everyone else who enjoys the game mechanics as they are?


Yes, I’m sure about it. It’s not the main selling point for me and I’ve met plenty of others who feel the same way.

Removing it implies nothing other than that the developers feel that ganking is affecting their profit margins.

I’m playing because I like EVE. That doesn’t mean I have to like every single part of EVE or that I shouldn’t be able to have opinions on what would make it better. Again, they aren’t the “main selling point”, so stop projecting your preferences on me.

There’s always people in all games who have opinions that the game should change in various ways. You’re trying to create the narrative that people who want things that you don’t want are being unreasonable. They’re not.

You’re not sounding harsh, you’re just sounding self-centered. You seem to think that EVE is whatever you want EVE to be any anyone who doesn’t agree should leave. Well no, unless you cough up the money to buy CCP and ban me from the game, I’m staying. While I’m here I will keep calling for changes that I think will make the game better, and I expect others to do the same even if I don’t agree with them. I then expect the developers to take on a variety of feedback and make their own decisions about how the game should change.

The main difference between us is that I accept you have a different opinion and respect your right to hold it.

You are free to have whatever preferences you like, but you should understand the type of game you are playing. So if it’s a deal breaker for you, go find something that will fit you better, rather than try to destroy the game by trying to ban a core mechanic such as non-consentual PVP.

And you talk about tolerance, dont make me laugh. Here you are supporting a carpet ban on something that’s key about the game just because you don’t enjoy it. To “improve the game”.

I have interacted with many players such as you in communities for games such as Hunt Showdown, The Cycle, Marauders, even Sea of Thieves, and I really no longer have patience for the types of you. You dont really care about the game, you only care about it changing it to cater to you, because you can’t be arsed to learn or play safer. When you die, you whine.
What a coincidence all the suggestions to “improve the game” are always, always, always, centered around making those games safer, splitting the playerbase into PvE-only instances, punishing those “evil PKers”, etc. You name it. But it’s always restricting PvP in some way because full PvP is “BAD” for the game (especially when they are not the ones doing the killing, lol) … Players go play a full loot PVP game and then, when they realise they dont like it, they decide to lobby to change the game rather than realising it’s not their cup of tea. Hilarious.


I’m not destroying anything. I’m playing a game I like and making suggestions that I think would make it better. I understand that you disagree and you are free to do so, but your preferences are not the objectively correct way to enjoy EVE. They are just your preferences.

OK, so don’t have patience for me. I’m OK with that. I’m still not going away. Have you considered though that if you keep getting into arguments in various games that maybe you’re the problem? Maybe it’s this insistence that what you like is the right way for the game to be and that what everyone else likes is “destroying” the game.

I’ve never called for a PvE-only instance. Not once. Dishonesty like that may be another reason you’re always getting irate with people no matter what game you play.

I believe that forcing PvP on players that have no interest in PvP is bad, yes. I believe that EVE would attract a wider audience if they were open to a more varied playerbase.

Let’s look at it from a perspective of not “restricting” then. If CCP added a new region to the game, called ultra-high sec, which has broadly the same activities as highsec but did not allow safety to be set to anything other than green, would that be acceptable? Because nothing is being restricted in that scenario, the game is actually being expanded to add play space for a larger variety of players. Would that be OK?

This particular forum alt you’re talking to has had explained many times how their ideas are restricting the sandbox. You are just getting roped into a psyops campaign to get the conversation stuck in the same quagmire of endless debate with different people in order to try to gain mindshare and destroy the fundamentals of the game.


Speak for yourself. Shooting you is a main selling point for others.


I would pay CCP 50 usd for the opportunity to eject this alt out of station with a suspect flag and shoot them.

Hell, I’d pay 100 usd for that alt and their “main” which we know isn’t their main, but still…

:thinking: why hasn’t CCP made this purchasable service. They would literally make a killing off of it.