Storyline Missions objectives are a standings shuffle?

I have been doing on and off level 2-4 missions for reputation, isk and for fun. After some time I become negative status to a faction and then I begin to do missions for them to recover. I was doing distribution missions for Minmatar Republic (Core Complexion inc.) and after about 10 missions a storyline popped up.

The storyline mission was a mining category mission called (Amarrian Tyrants), but the objectives were to destroy Amarrian ships. Why?

Now I cannot understand why would the distribution missions give me a mining category storyline mission. And then the mining storyline mission is to blow up some faction ships? Why is it everytime I do a storyline mission it ends up giving me a combat scenario increasing standings for one faction, but end up destroying another? I am doing distribution missions which have little to nothing for combat, and my ship skills are for industrial.

Is this how faction standings work? You always have to be hated by one to be favoured by another?

yes, unless you go do teh SOE epic arc, a lv0 epic arc every 3 months where you can choose which Faction to increase standings

that “yes” is actually false @Max_Deveron

@Varoq_Raia it is very possible to have positive faction standings with all 4 empires. Each empire has their own Epic Arc that you can do every 3 months on rotation to maintain positive standings.

storylines are given after 16 missions of the same level and same faction. Storylines are not “mandatory” to do, and you can skip them with zero consequences.

If you are intent on doing storylines, be sure they are not against other empires but against a pirate.

as far as gaining one, and losing one, Caldari and amarr are at “war” with gallente and minmatar respectively. So if you do missions for Minmatar, storylines will have you against Amarr and or Caldari or other pirates… similarly with Caldari, you’ll get missions against Gallente and or minmatar…

faction standings are based on loyalty, so my YES is not false.

Unless you do things on purpose like i suggested with the SOE Epic ARC to literally attempt to be positive or +10 with every Empire…

Then yes working for one makes you an enemy of another.

Just to add to this i would prioritize avoiding angel/guristas missions over anything else. The only practical way to restore standings with these factions is to run missions in ls inside systems full of locals that know people only really head out there to do these missions.

Angel and guristas need to have true standings above -2 in order to enlist in their fw without a corp and low standings can result in corps removing or not accepting you to keep up their average. I know a lot of people who tanked these standings when the idea of leaving hs was something they would “probably never really do” let alone fw only to get frustrated when they did want to join pirate fw

Easy fix by running the epic arc which can be done even with -10 standings, as long as they have empire standings at 3.00 modified.

Granted at -9.99 one arc wont put them over -2, they could get an alt to run the arc and join in the last mission or use that standing service

So… going out to null to run missions in systems where all the locals know the only reason randoms are there are to run the missions lol

Usia sells pirate arcs so whats to stop others running them.

nothing they are just more annoying to get back up over the empire thats all i was pointing out