Strange Drifter activity...what is going on?

Strange for the Drifters? As a race that is seemingly unafraid of anything, what I saw has me on edge. I was in space to oversee an old destroyer being brought down to the surface of Gallente Prime to be converted into living space, when my ship notified me that a something-Tyranos warped into the area. I think it was one of those new cruiser-sized ones. It scanned my shuttle, and then warped off, as though something was chasing it. A few minutes later, a ship warped in that did NOT look like any ship I know of. It was gone in another instant. I only got a glimpse of it, so I don’t know whether it was chasing the drifter or what, but the way that drifter warped off leads me to believe that something more is out there…

Stay vigilant, friends. I will reactivate one of my old mothballed ships to snoop around…


There is no Jove Observatory in Luminaire, and as such Drifter activity is unlikely.

Luminaire has been checked and there are no Drifters present.


This reminds me. I encourage anyone to come forward with Drifter sightings or reports of odd behaviors. But that said, do not believe in any of said reports unless they are verified.


Also, you don’t look cool if you just make it up.


I heard somewhere, that Apollo Tyrannos applied for a subscription to the Gutter Press news service.

Is that not “odd behaviour” ? :thinking:


The Demons fight Demons…
The Storm Comes.

Maybe he just needs to lighten up after a hard days being slaughtered by ARC?


Everyone subscribes to gutter press.


Again, I don’t remember what I saw. Only the color. It reminded me of one of the Blood Raiders new nanocoatings. I’m still looking, I haven’t found anything substantial yet.

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