Straylight is a specialized nullsec/lowsec PVP corporation with a strong logistical backbone, and a core member of Who Dares Wins, one of New Eden’s most feared Black Ops outfits.
Who Dares Wins - Blackout (Produced by Straylight Systems)
The variety of opportunities available to us - and our strong history as a corp - tend to appeal more directly to seasoned combat pilots.
- Constant fleet action, large and small
- Supercapital hunting
- Nanogangs, needlejacks and wormhole dives
- R64 moon mining availability
As a corp here to support you on these endeavours, we offer a number of compelling services:
- Ship Replacement Program
- Capital Acquisition Program
- Jump Freighter Logistics
- Full Industrial Support
If you are interested in learning more join our in-game public channel ‘Straylight Systems Public’ or jump on our Discord here: