Streamfleet and EVE NT collaborate for the AT

The Alliance Tournament is nearly here, streamfleet has joined up with EVE NT and CCP to bring you closer to the action.

We are proud to present to you a series of chat shows on the CCP TWITCH channel, featuring a variety of Hosts and Guests to help you understand what the AT is all about.

The inaugural show will be on Sunday 24th June, during which, we will be announcing which teams are in this years Alliance Tournament. We will also be starting our, “what’s the AT all about” series. To explain how and why things happen in the tournament. The rules can be hard to follow, but our experts from EVE NT and streamfleet, will explain them and answer your questions from chat, so you can get the answers you need to be able to fully enjoy the Alliance Tournament with the knowledge of what is happening.

To compliment the Match coverage from EVE_NT during the entire Alliance Tournament, we will also bring you midweek shows to talk about the previous weekend, who was victorious and how they achieved it, who lost and why. Predictions of the teams we think will go on to win the next weekend and why we believe those predictions.

In addition - we will also be interviewing some of the Captains from this year, to get an insider look at what it takes to be in the AT and how the matches were won and lost from the Pilots and Captains point of view.

So this year the Alliance Tournament will come alive and be more interactive than it has ever been before! Make sure to join us on the CCP Twitch Channel throughout this years AT!

24th June Introduction to the AT and who is in this year
8th July The Rules of the AT How is practice going?
25th July AT Launch and a look at the first weeks action
1st August A look at the first weekend and what is to come in weekend 2?
8th August Review of weekend 2 and what’s in store for weekend 3?
15th August Who is through to the last weekend? Who will win?
22nd August A look back at the Final and the whole tournament
**** content of the sessions is highly subject to change - this is eve after all….

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