Ok, Been working on the idea’s on how to fix mining for a while, and i think i got something of note.
Here go’s.
Mining scanners now open a GUI element (a window). Upon opening you have a asteroid preview in the window. Im assuming that the current asteroids are drawing from prefab models. You can set up a call funtion for the asteroid model in the window.
From here an overlay gui element pops up a serious of buttons (lets say 5).
Periodically one of these 5 buttons overlayed on the asteroid will light up signaling the mining barge in orbit of the asteroid that area is ready for some laser drilling. You will click the button and it will activate the beam on that area for a target time. the faster you are, the longer you drain the ore from that location.
Each location will have ore like 500m3/500m3 per a site (or what ever the value is). As you exhaust each site the game gets easier to play, increasing efficiency as you progress through the game.
some key notes
- mining inaccurate locations will provide lower income rates (75% penalty)
- Beam rates may need to be increased. It would feel better if you could mine faster, but not at superior or inferior rates to now. (so if you mine 10,000 over 1 hour, you may still mine that rate, but it will be faster at shorter intervals, but the same value over time (the balance being in the pauses between clicks of the game).
- the buttons should work in a way that they keep the players attention. Likely, changing every 10-15 seconds
- the asteroid in gui should pop up with scanner module, and the scanner module should be required for mining in a way that probes are required for exploration (to start the event)
- the scan modules should be reworked so that only mining ships can use them.
- mining in other ships should retain its current rate and design
every 5 cycles of button clicking if you mine more then a set amount of the time a site is lit up, you should gain a bonus mine rate for the next cycle based on the scanners bonus rate given. (20-30% reduction time). this buff should be maintained until you fail to mine over 70% of your mining cycle time on a site.
In other words, if you mine for 5 out of the 10 seconds, you should get credit for 1/5 of your sites being mined quickly, and once you are at 5/5 you obtain a mining bonus.
this is a rough idea. let me know what you think