Support of LaTeX code

Hi, I was wondering If Eve online supports LaTeX code which is used for writing Mathematical Equations, and if not, I was wondering if there are any thoughts about it being added.

I have been heavily educated in mathematics, and I have NEVER heard of “latex.” Well I have heard of latex but in the context of my own personal time, several females and lots of lubricant…

I have one word for you, that you need to consider fully: -

As a mathematician… whut?!?

How on earth do you write your papers? MS Word’s formula editor?!? It’s abysmal!

Back to the OP: I’d love LaTeX support in forums/chat, but I doubt it’ll happen soon, it’s a bit of a niche case.

LaTeX is often used as text editor in academia:

It’s really useful when you have to write equations, at my uni people usually wrote their thesis in it.

I don’t see it happening.

The EVE forums use software from and unless they add LaTeX to the options the EVE forum mods will not be able to select that option on these forums.

In game I also don’t see it happening. It would add a lot of complexity to the chat window without much use - how often do people really have to share game-related mathematical equations in the ingame chat that a new feature like this is necessary?

If you do wish to share equations on the forum you could simply screenshot it (windows - shift - s):

Example formula: scan deviation (EVE uni wiki)

And if you wish to share equations ingame you can use links in chat (example EVE uni wiki again). Linking also works on the forums.

Why do you think you need LaTeX code support in EVE?

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Yeah, because with a graphics tablet and the “ink equation” option, writing formulas in word is fairly easy.

I had a quick look on the site for some examples. I didn’t see anyhting that isn’t easily reproducable in word.

I predict in the near future I will no longer be using windows so maybe it becomes relevant to me then. Linking a document is going to be a much more practical solution when you’re trying to explain something to someone rather than writing a forumla in game chat at the time. So I don’t see any use for this.